Root canal filling techniques for primary molars: an in vitro evaluation

Published: 11 June 2019
Abstract Views: 1043
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Aim: This study evaluated the efficacy of three different techniques used in the root canal filling of primary teeth.

Methodology: Sixty artificial resin upper and lower primary molars were used. The quality of root canal filling was evaluated using standardized buccal/lingual radiographs, after the use of three different techniques: endodontic hand file, spiral Lentulo and Centrix syringe. Scores were attributed to the obturation length and the presence of voids. Data were statistically analysed and the comparison between groups was calculated using the chi-square test.

Results: The use of endodontic hand file demonstrated the best results regarding the endodontic filling length and density. The occurrence of material extrusion was greater when Lentulo spiral was used in palatine root canals of upper molars. The obturation density was similar among the lower molars and in mesio buccal and palatine canals of upper molars, while in the disto buccal canal of upper molars, the endodontic hand file was significantly more effective.

Conclusions: The quality of root canal filling was similar among the different groups. However, lentulo spiral allowed greater material extrusion in palatine root canals, and greater occurrence of voids in disto buccal canal of upper molars, in comparison with the other tested techniques.



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How to Cite

Almeida, L. H. S. ., Krüger M. M., Pilownic, K. J., Costa, V. P. P., Romano, A. R., & Pappen, F. G. (2019). Root canal filling techniques for primary molars: an in vitro evaluation. Giornale Italiano Di Endodonzia, 33(1).