Surgical extrusion: A reliable technique for saving compromised teeth. A 5-years follow-up case report

Published: 30 June 2018
Abstract Views: 533
PDF: 731
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Aim: To present a long term follow up clinical case in which a compromised anterior tooth was saved by a surgical extrusion procedure. Summary: Although different techniques have been suggested for clinical crown lengthening in the anterior zone, some of them have limitations in terms of aesthetics and procedural requirements. The current case report demonstrates how a simplified surgical extrusion procedure was successfully performed for saving a severely damaged anterior tooth; furthermore, it is possible to apply the technique described in this case using minimum and simple armamentarium like a scalpel, elevators, forceps and splinting flexible cord. Key-learning points: Saving severely compromised anterior teeth is possible by applying surgical extrusion techniques when crown-root ratio allows it. Risk of root resorption or ankylosis is minimum.



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How to Cite

Argueta, J., Orellana, A., & Plotino, G. (2018). Surgical extrusion: A reliable technique for saving compromised teeth. A 5-years follow-up case report. Giornale Italiano Di Endodonzia, 32(1), 25–30.