Application of artificial intelligence in a visual-based fluid motion estimator surrounding a vibrating Eddy tip

Submitted: 17 December 2021
Accepted: 24 January 2022
Published: 2 May 2022
Abstract Views: 714
PDF: 415
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Aim: To improve our initial understanding of the vibrational behavior and fluid flow of an EDDY®  tip when irrigation is activated using artificial intelligence (AI).

Methodology:A straight glass model was filled with a solution containing 3% NaOCl. A-28 mm polymer noncutting #20 4% taper file was driven by an air sonic handpiece at 6,200 Hz for five seconds. The fluid flow behavior was visualized using a Miro 320S high-speed imaging system (Phantom, Wayne, NJ, USA). The recordings of the hydrodynamic response were then analyzed using motion estimation program, supported by LiteFlowNet.

Results: Rapid fluid flow was visualized clearly in the model when activated by an air sonic driven EDDY®  tip. The distal end of the EDDY® tip generated a near-wall high-gradient velocity apically in all directions of the oscillation.

Conclusions: The proposed motion estimation program, supported by LiteFlowNet, could perform flow estimation of a non-PIV experiment in detail.



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How to Cite

Peeters, H. H., Silitonga, F., & Zuhal, L. (2022). Application of artificial intelligence in a visual-based fluid motion estimator surrounding a vibrating Eddy tip . Giornale Italiano Di Endodonzia, 36(1).