Endodontics towards the future

Published: 17 March 2025
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echnological progress is making great strides among different area, as well as medical and dental fields. In the last years, dentistry is living a radical change thanks to development of advanced operative procedures, use of latest generation materials, modern imaging techniques up to 3D technology. In addition, the recent introduction in several fields of artificial intelligence (AI) would seem to be of a great interest even in dentistry. AI aid should provide solutions able to manage every event or variable, complex cases diagnosis and immediate and successful treatment plans. However, the real feasibility in dentistry is currently under debate. Main limitations might be not only related to ethical issue, but also to the consideration of patient as a person with several variables, risk factors and co-morbidities that have a certain impact on disease occurrence, its progress and prognosis. Specifically, endodontics could benefit from AI use for the morphological characterization of root-canal anatomy, as well as correct analysis of radiographic images and planning of a workflow able to optimize working time. On the other hand, the fundamental principles of “traditional” endodontics cannot be ignored as base of correct therapy and long-term success. In this light, in the present issue of Giornale Italiano di Endodonzia, are presented classic aspects such as irrigants, debridement and post-endodontic restoration, but is also published a very interesting review on AI in endodontics. Since the central role played by clinicians in the therapeutic choice, it’ll be increasingly important to be updated and to develop the appropriate knowledge regarding the biological issue and the precious help provided by technological progress.



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How to Cite

Rengo, S. (2025). Endodontics towards the future. Giornale Italiano Di Endodonzia, 39(1). https://doi.org/10.32067/GIE.2025.39.01.05