The knowledge cannot have borders: the new challenges of SIE (Società Italiana di Endodonzia)
Published: 26 October 2020396PDF: 202
Case Series
Case Reports
Endodontic management of maxillary permanent molar C-shaped morphology
Published: 26 October 2020601PDF: 337 -
Management of an unusual foreign body in periapical tissues of immature permanent maxillary central incisor
Published: 26 October 2020455PDF: 349 -
3D Diagnosis and management of external cervical resorption
Published: 26 October 2020691PDF: 332
Original Articles
Using the Periapical Index to evaluate the healing of periapical lesions after root canal treatment
Published: 26 October 20201097PDF: 825 -
Surface integrity of root ends following apical resection with targeted trephine burs
Published: 26 October 2020576PDF: 396 -
Analysis of dentinal erosion and removing smear layer of different irrigation protocols: an in vitro study
Published: 26 October 2020516PDF: 344 -
Antibacterial potential of nano-particulate intracanal medications on a mature E. faecalis biofilm in an ex-vivo model
Published: 26 October 2020910PDF: 510 -
Effect of different irrigation protocols and calcium hydroxide dressing on the microhardness of root canal dentin
Published: 26 October 2020619PDF: 274 -
Effect of a root dentin deproteinization protocol on self-adhesive cementation of fiber posts
Published: 26 October 2020442PDF: 275 -
The effect of calcium hydroxide on the apical microleakage of canals filled with bioceramic and resin sealers
Published: 26 October 2020720PDF: 642 -
The impact of kinematics, single-file technique and preparation time on the apical extrusion of debris
Published: 26 October 2020653PDF: 492